Sunday, December 26, 2010

How Long Does An Open Relaxer

zemlyanichnoe @ 2010-12 -26T14: 17:00

Why am I always trying to fight off the guy some by his friend, I am sooo interesting. Always - because it has become almost regular. I'm surprised, but oh well. But to invite a romantic dinner at his back - This is something very strange.

And there are men-fire. These are men of high degree samtsovosti, self-confidence and arrogance often with a practical turn of mind, experience and relevant outlook on life. As a rule, they can achieve their goals, they know how much all of what they have achieved, well, such as a la Brad Pitta. Somehow, all of them in my eyes like him. Know how to treat a woman. Gently but firmly. Always stand on end, if someone has something to dare to say or do. Always think about the woman and then about myself, in spite of all ambition. Always trying to seem worse than they really are. Often display characters, which are trying to emulate. And they have the devil on * uenno it turns out. Serves as a magnet. Do not notice it, but all the while improving in personal growth. Able to draw correct conclusions. Able to find an approach to people. Love to get into personal correspondence. Leaders.


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