zemlyanichnoe @ 2011-02-01T00: 08:00
2. Neckline
I do not know, maybe in this era of permissiveness me pall woman's body. If before the men went mad from the open tops - after all it was futlyarno, even his hands were covered with long gloves to the middle elbow and open them considered top impropriety, but now .. I think too that some comments. Me something in common anyway, how much and where the nudity, but here are trying to I look at the half-breast of the hypothetical guy (well, and for whom all this is done), what type and kind of interesting, like when and look at and sated and somehow cease to be interesting rather quickly. Well what is it, downright no intrigue =)) While neckline neckline strife. I've been going crazy over her naked chest to the shoulders, in English it's called off-shoulder, but sometimes it is difficult to guess and, opening his shoulders a little more than you need, misses the mystique Image:
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